In the world of architecture and urban development, there is a growing recognition of the potential held within existing structures. Instead of starting from scratch, more and more initiatives are focusing on the adaptive reuse of commercial buildings. This approach not only breathes new life into old spaces but also presents a myriad of benefits...Read More
While a hospitality experience is always dependent on the consumer, the curation of hospitality experiences begins well before a pen ever touches paper. For hospitality clients the development and measure of the hospitality experience is well thought out and is, by its nature, listening to as many voices as possible as a new venue is...Read More
Over the past decade, sustainability has come to mean different things to different groups of people. While everyone agrees that protecting our environment for the long term is an important and serious goal, there are many different connotations of the word Sustainability. These can include “necessary”, “long-term”, “net-zero”, “carbon-neutral”, “health”, “cost-saving”, and “expensive”, to name...Read More